I am a procrastinator. I start projects with a good idea and never finish them. When I am given a project, I wait until the last minute to get it done. Somehow, I get a good grade on it at times. It ends up being not that bad to end up doing it that way all the time. Either way, the reason I don't start it is because I am not neccesarily into what the project is. There are those projects that you get and dread doing. For example, when I was in 8th grade, I had to do a history project about this American inventor I had no interest in at all. We had to write a research panphlet about our inventor. For me, I dread these kind of projects when they are given to us. I'm not into it at all. I would rather write a screen play about a scene about the inventor or making a colorful collage. The fact that I have to write a research paper about something just is not in my style at all. This is just for certain projects that I come across. Other projects like posters and power points I procrastinate about because I get easily distracted. It first starts off with me gathering up all of my ideas like your supposed to. Then, it's me trying to make a decision about which idea I like the most. Personally, I am not the greatest decision maker out there which is why I push it further and further away. I think that by giving two decisions I need to choose over some time to think about, it makes me choose the right one. Thus, it leads to distraction to me never getting it done in the end. Turns out that minutes will turn to hours and I will be up at midnight with out a project because I got easily distracted from not doing it.
Usually, I tell myself that I can watch for half an hour my favorite show. Ya know, relaxing before I get started. Sooner or later, the half an hour is up and up comes a new episode of one of my other favorite tv shows. So, because I am so comfortable on my couch, I feel the sense to not get up. I convince myself that in another half an hour, I will get started. Basically, this kind of way for me to have some relaxation time does not help at all. This makes me get easily distracted about not getting my work done. This usually ends when something boring comes on the TV. After that, I have no idea what to do nextvwith my project. So instead, I sit on my bed and think of more ideas of how to my project. Usually, this concludes to me passing out. In the morning, no project. I am that kind of person that can't stay on one task to get things done. When I have to get a project done, and this is when I actually want to just get it out of my way, I go into intense isolation. This means that I shall lock myself in a room for hours on end until I get what I need to get done finished. Apparently, it is very hard for me to get anything done with a little sister who bugs you every second she gets home from afterschool. She puts on full fledged interviews wanting to know everything that happened about my day. She instigates everything I do. So, my solution is to lock myself in a tiny room and get it all done. Either way, it always works.
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